We're a leading culinary staffing agency in Delray Beach, FL, Sandy Springs & Alpharetta, GA and beyond

Hire a Private Chef to Prepare Custom-Tailored Menus For You

You deserve the finer things in life, including the food you consume. An experienced chef can prepare delicacies for you and your family on a daily basis. Land and Sea Chef Agency can match you with a private executive chef to prepare custom-tailored menus at your private estate or aboard your yacht - or perhaps in both places.

Land and Sea Chef Agency was founded by a world-renowned chef in Sandy Springs & Alpharetta, GA, so you know we have high standards when it comes to culinary professionals. Contact us today to find out when a private chef can join your household staff.

Your guests are sure to be impressed by our culinary staff

Hire a private chef to prepare custom tailored menus for you, and elevate your culinary experience in a private setting. Our private executive chefs can prepare everything from hors-d'Ĺ“uvres to five-course meals, making them an asset for any affluent household. Once you've made them aware of guests' dietary restrictions and culinary preferences, they can prepare custom-tailored menus befitting the theme of your event.

Reach out today to hire a skilled chef.